Day 14: Essential Linux and Git-GitHub Cheat Sheet

Day 14: Essential Linux and Git-GitHub Cheat Sheet

File and Directory Management🗂️

  • ls: List directory contents.

    • ls -l: List in long format.

    • ls -a: List all files including hidden files (those starting with a dot).

    • ls -lh: Long format with human-readable file sizes

  • cd: Change the current directory.

    • Change the directory to [dir]. Use cd .. to go up one level.
  • pwd: Print the current working directory.

  • mkdir : Create a new directory. mkdir new_folder

  • rmdir : Remove an empty directory. rmdir old_folder

  • rm : Remove files or directories.

    • rm -r [dir]: Remove the directory and its contents recursively.

    • rm -i [file]: Remove with a prompt before every removal.

File Permissions and Ownership🛡️

  • chmod : Change file permissions.

    • Example: chmod 755

    • chmod 755 [file_name]: Set permissions to rwxr-xr-x.

    • chmod u+x [file_name]: Add execute permission for the owner.

  • chown : Change file owner and group.

    • Example: chown user:group file.txt
  • chgrp : Change group ownership.

    • Example: chgrp groupname file.txt

File Permissions Symbols🔑

  • r: Read permission.

  • w: Write permission.

  • x: Execute permission.

  • -: No permission.

Viewing and Editing Files📖

  • cat : Concatenate and display file contents.

    • Example: cat file.txt
  • less : View file contents one screen at a time.

    • Example: less file.txt
  • nano : Simple text editor.

    • Example: nano file.txt
  • vi or vim : Advanced text editor.

    • Example: vim file.txt

Process Management⏳

  • ps: Display current processes.

    • Example: ps aux - Display detailed information about all running processes.
  • top: Display and manage processes in real-time.

    • Example: top
  • htop: Enhanced version of top (needs to be installed).

  • kill: Terminate a process.

    • Example: kill 1234 (terminate the process with PID 1234)
  • killall [process_name]: Terminate all processes with the specified name.

  • bg: Resume a suspended job in the background.

  • fg: Bring a background job to the foreground.

  • jobs: List all background jobs.

  • systemctl : Manage system services.

    • Example: systemctl start nginx (start nginx service), systemctl status nginx (check status of nginx service)


  • ifconfig: Display or configure network interfaces.

    • Example: ifconfig eth0
  • ping [host]: Check the network connection to a server.

  • netstat: Network statistics.

    • Example: netstat -tuln (List all listening ports.)
  • wget [url]: Download files from the web.

  • curl [url]: Transfer data from or to a server.

  • ip addr: Show IP addresses and network interfaces.

Disk Usage💾

  • df: Display disk space usage.

    • Example: df -h human-readable format.
  • du: Estimate file space usage.

    • Example: du -sh [file/dir]: Display summary in human-readable format.

Archive and Compression📦

  • tar: Archive files.

    • Example: tar -cvf archive.tar folder/ (create), tar -xvf archive.tar (extract)
  • gzip: Compress files.

    • Example: gzip file.txt
  • gunzip: Decompress files.

    • Example: gunzip file.txt.gz
  • zip [] [file/dir]: Create a zip file archive.

  • unzip []: Extract zip file archive.

Access Control Lists (ACL)🔐

  • getfacl [file]: Get the ACL of a file.

  • setfacl -m u:[user]:[permissions] [file]: Set ACL for a user.

  • setfacl -m g:[group]:[permissions] [file]: Set ACL for a group.

  • setfacl -x u:[user] [file]: Remove ACL for a user.


  • grep [pattern] [file]: Search for a pattern in a file.

  • grep -r [pattern] [dir]: Recursively Search in a directory.

  • grep -i [pattern] [file]: Search Case-insensitive file name .

  • find [dir] -name [pattern]: Find files by name.

  • locate [name]: Find files by name (uses a database, needs to be updated with updatedb).

Package Management🛒

  • apt update: Update package lists but it does not install or upgrade any packages.

  • apt upgrade: Installed or upgraded packages.

  • apt install [package]: Install a package.

  • apt remove [package]: Remove a package.

  • apt autoremove: Remove unnecessary packages.

Service Management🛠️

  • systemctl start [service]: Start a service.

  • systemctl stop [service]: Stop a service.

  • systemctl restart [service]: Restart a service.

  • systemctl status [service]: Check the status of a service.

  • systemctl enable [service]: Enable a service to start on boot.

  • systemctl disable [service]: Disable a service from starting on boot.

User Management👨🏻‍💻

  • adduser [username]: Add a new user.

  • passwd [username]: Change the user password.

  • deluser [username]: Remove a user.

  • usermod -aG [group] [username]: Add a user to a group.

  • groups [username]: Display list the groups a user is in.

Shell Scripting📜


  echo "Hello"

Variables Use:

  echo "Hello, $NAME"

Conditional Statements- If & else:

  if [ condition ]; then
    # Commands
  elif [ condition ]; then
    # Commands
    # Commands

Loops- For and While:

  for i in {1..5}; do
    echo "Iteration $i"

  while [ condition ]; do
    # Commands

Other Commands 📑

  • echo [text]: Display the text.

  • date: Display or set the system date and time.

  • uptime: Show how long the system has been running.

  • who: Show who is logged on.

  • history: Show command history.


Repository Management📂

Basic Snapshotting⚙️

  • git add: It will move all the files to the staging.

    • Example: git add file.txt
  • git commit: It is used to create a new commit with a specific commit message

    • Example: git commit -m "Initial commit"
  • git status: Show the working tree status.

  • git log: It will display a list of commits.

  • git diff: Show changes between two commit IDs and working tree, etc.

Branching and Merging🎋

  • git branch: List, create, or delete branches.

    • Example: git branch (list), git branch new-branch (create), git branch -d old-branch (delete)
  • git checkout: Switch branches or restore working tree files.

    • Example: git checkout new-branch (switch), git checkout -b new-branch (create and switch)
  • git merge: Join two or more development histories together.

    • Example: git merge new-branch

Remote Repositories🍃

  • git remote: Manage a set of tracked repositories.

  • git fetch: Download objects and refs from another repository.

    • Example: git fetch origin
  • git pull: It will pull the changes from the remote repository to the local.

    • Example: git pull origin main
  • git push: Update the remote references along with their associated objects.

    • Example: git push origin main

Rewriting History⌛

  • git reset: Reset current HEAD to the specified state.

    • Example: git reset --hard HEAD~1 (delete all commit)

    • git reset --soft HEAD~1(remove from history but store in file system/staging area)

  • git revert: Create a new commit that undoes the changes by creating/adding new commits.

    • Example: git revert HEAD
  • git rebase: Reapply commits on top of another base tip and it will maintain in a linear format.

    • Example: git rebase main

Additional Tips👀

  • .gitignore: Text file used in Git repositories to specify which files and directories should be ignored and not tracked by Git.

    • Example: Add node_modules/ to .gitignore to ignore all files in the node_modules directory.


It provides quick and concise information to help manage files, processes, permissions, and version control efficiently, thereby streamlining workflows and improving the productivity of DevOps Engineers.